Cola Couronne – The Honey-Sweet Beverage Hit of Haiti

Cola Couronne – The Honey-Sweet Beverage Hit of Haiti

What do you think happens when you’re out on the streets of Haiti and the sun is frying your back? You suddenly start craving a cold beer or a soft drink. That’s where the super savory Haitian Couronne Fruit Champagne comes to the rescue! It’s the oldest soft drink manufactured in Haiti, and it brings with it the unmistakable Caribbean flavor of old.

What Is Cola Couronne Fruit Champagne?

Cola Couronne was first introduced in Haiti in 1924 by Brasserie de la Couronne, a local company that decided to label its first soft drink. Ever since, Cola Couronne has become the talk of the country, and it was either that or nothing. Even now, it’s the no. 1 soft drink in Haiti, and it’s not because of cultural pride—although that does exist. Instead, Haitians and tourists alike love Cola Couronne for its flavor and sweetness.

Every Cola Couronne comes in a glass bottle in Haiti since there’s no aluminum in the country. If you want the canned drink, you’ll only get it in South Florida where the company’s subsidiary, Universal Beverages, manufactures the beloved drink in an aluminum can. The bright orange drink is fizzy and very sweet, with a soft carbonated feel that might make you melancholic if you’re Haitian.

Nutritional Facts

If you know your nutritional stuff, you’ll realize that the Haitian drink has fewer calories and less sugar than a can of Coke. There are 31 grams of sugar and 120 calories in every can of Cola Couronne. The sodium level reaches 41 grams, equal to Coke, so there’s no difference there.

But let’s be honest. You aren’t drinking sodas for their health benefits or because of their nutritional perks. The flavor and taste are the most important aspects of soda, and Cola Couronne doesn’t fail to impress in this regard.

Honey-Sweet Taste

Cola Couronne is probably the sweetest thing you’ll ever try though, it’s not so sweet that you can’t enjoy its pineapple and orange-infused aroma. However, don’t mistake its fruity aroma for actual fruit content. The label says that there’s 0% juice in a can of Cola Couronne. The flavor you taste is artificial— tropical artificial flavoring, to be more specific.

However, that hardly matters when the taste is so good you’ll most certainly ask for a second and a third bottle. Whether you’re Haitian or not, you’ll enjoy Cola Couronne’s tropical sweetness all the same. Its crisp, sweet taste will bring a smile to your lips and send your mind wandering to the sunny streets of Haiti once again.

Where Can You Buy Cola Couronne?

If you’re in Haiti, you’ll find Cola Couronne everywhere. Every store stocks it since it’s so popular among locals and tourists alike. But if you’re in the U.S., you’ll find it at your local West Indian grocery store and pretty much everywhere in South Florida. Alternatively, you can buy it from Amazon when it’s in stock. If you can’t find it anywhere, take a trip to Haiti, enjoy the warmth, and have a sip of Couronne!

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