80+ Years of Haiti in a Bottle

80+ Years of Haiti in a Bottle

Are you planning a trip to Haiti for a well-deserved vacation? Then you’ll certainly hear a lot about Cola Couronne, a local beverage that has toured the world. It’s the oldest manufactured soft drink in Haiti, made by Brasserie de la Couronne for over 80 years using the same recipe. They’re planning on making the carbonated drink for as long as they can.

A Tourist Attraction and Source of Local Pride

Cola Couronne is not only a local favorite among Haitians but also a staple beverage among tourists. Interestingly enough, many tourists compare the drink to Coca-Cola due to its similar flavor and equal number of calories (120). It’s no wonder since the drink has been around for the better half of a century.

The Haitian beverage also beats Coca-Cola in terms of sodium at 31 to 45 grams, so Cola Couronne is a “low sodium” beverage, a marketing aspect on which they can definitely capitalize. It seems that the oldest Haitian beverage is set on taking on the world, and this wouldn’t be such a bad thing after all!

The Tropical Flavors That Freshen You Up

Haiti and the rest of the Caribbean countries frequently get very hot. What would you do for a cold, fizzy, flavorful beverage when you need it? Cola Couronne brings the soul of the Caribbean in a sweet and carbonated form. The tropical flavor is one of a kind, and in our humble view, it’s more satisfying than a beer could ever be.

Cola Couronne’s juicy zest and bubbly aroma never get old, and they always freshen you up no matter how hot it gets outside. You’ll find that this Haitian beverage is highly sought after both by tourists and locals alike. Who doesn’t crave a flavorful cold beverage when the Caribbean sun plans to roast you alive?

Caribbean Deliciousness Comes in a Bottle

Cola Couronne has always been manufactured in tall glass bottles because Haiti has no natural aluminum, and there are no plans to import any. However, the company recently acquired a U.S. plant in Miami where they produce Cola Couronne in aluminum cans. So now you can enjoy your favorite Caribbean drink in a bottle or can, depending on your preference.

In all honesty, though, Brasserie de la Couronne has been using glass bottles for so long that it’s almost impossible to imagine the drink coming in other forms. And we have to admit that there’s a certain allure to drinking a Cola Couronne from the bottle. It makes the drink that much more enjoyable and fresh. However, the new aluminum cans will allow the company to expand its reach to South Florida and its Haitian community.

Think of Cola Couronne as the flavor of home if you’re Haitian-American and a taste of Caribbean novelty if you’re not Haitian. The beverage is so flavorful and tasty that you’ll hardly believe it’s been made for over 80 years without the world knowing about it. With every can or bottle of Cola Couronne bought, Haiti’s economy receives a well-deserved boost, too!

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